
Brand PRotection E-Book

Do you want to learn more about Trademarks?

How to file the trademark application?

How to create a strong trademark for your business?

Protect your brand from copycats?

Then this E-book is for you!

Inside this E-book, you'll find a wealth of knowledge to start protecting your brand today.

Business owners spend countless hours and thousand of dollars coming up with the perfect business name, logo, and other creative content. However, don't spend equally as much time legally protecting it.

This ebook will set the foundation you need to get started.

Let me introduce myself! I'm Danielle Brent-Bownes, a lawyer that helps small businesses start, grow, and protect their brand with ease. I have been running my law firm for over three years now and I'm passionate about helping business owners protect their brand. I'm so excited to introduce you to Trademarks and how they can benefit your brand.

I hope that this ebook provides you with a solid foundation to start protecting your brand.


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